Thursday, December 30, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!: Section A & B Duty Schedule!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
OR Scrubs: Spell Check?
Monday, December 13, 2010
examp pointers!
Conflict Resolution ( study the mechanics
characteristics/Principles of Organizational Chart
Management functions and its elements (definitions)
Modalities of Nursing Care
Style of Leadership
Managerial skills
Planned Change
10-15 questions were taken from our handbased quizzes.
Friday, December 10, 2010
OR FOCUS: Mary Mediatrix OR Cases
On August 2010, the Level 3 Mary Mediatrix Clinical Instructors made a “data accumulation sytem” thru the VP Academics team. 3-weeks of grace period was given to those who would like to gather their missing data by downloading a certain form provided at, filling it up with their needed data’s, and sending it over an email add provided.
Only 58 students submitted their requests. Sir Raul San Diego went to mary mediatrix just to find those data’s; he even had to sleep overnight the operating room. The data’s were given back 2 weeks after the submission, and was accordingly distributed by putting it up at the photocopy center.
Come second semester, there has been an INFLUX of data gathering request. We were expecting that since only 58 handed over their request, the REST WOULD HAVE COMPLETE DATA ALREADY; but then we were wrong. Counting on the scrubs that needed data, it would be around 100+. Now the Clinical Instructors opened the grace period and went to mary mediatrix for further data gathering alongside their clinical supervision with the Level 3 students.
Thing is, they found PROBLEMS in data gathering:
- There are 2 logbooks they have to check on everytime: the GS (General Surgery) logbook, and the OB logbook.
- Often times, the GS Logbook does not contain the whole information of the client (ex., no middle name)
- The only LEGIT Data bank they could search on is the OR Computer, a device which contains ALL OPERATING ROOM DATA’S. Thing is, the OR SUPERVISOR does not allow clinical instructors to use the computer. Which explains the latest request still lacking of middle names
Sir Raul attested that, MMMCs protocol (as of last year) on gathering patient data has 2 steps:
- Student Nurses should make a letter, addressed to the surgeon, in request to gather data.
- If the Surgeon and Patient consents on it, then you will be brought to the medical records to pursue on data gathering.
Now Mary Mediatrix is ON HOLD since of these critical problems.
Meanwhile, for those who are included on this list (the ones who passed for data gathering last August):
- Rebojo, Chester John
- Lagarile, Rosjan Rizber
- Bosito, Renz Loiue
- Toyogon, Riset Lou
- Honorica, Precious Joy
- Mendoza, Rocky Jazzle
- Maala, Catherine
- Tolentino, April
- Fujito, Akimi
- Mamalio, April Dawn
- Warhani, Dewi
- Capiendo, Reina Angelique
- Casel, Jerome
- Sadsad, Sophia
- Agbayanie, Abegail
- Rivamonte, Jenny Lou
- Payot, John Naire
- Edo, Bilen Mengistu
- Estonelo, Robella Joyce
- Ebora, Redeem
- Canoza, Rio Camille
- Wilis, Verina
- De Castro, Avegale
- Pallasa, Kathleen Joy
- Tangalin, Sharmaine Mitchell
- Solas, Crystal
- Esteraja, Crisel
- Paglinawan, Sarah
- Saberola, Asyll
- Laureles, Ephraim
- Solis, Ivan Cris
- Garcia, Karl Anthony
- Egenias, Benazir
- Sanger, Ailine
- Arenas, Kevin
- Castro, Wendalyn
- Pasco, Ahlen
- Aspuria, Shayne
- San Augustin, Dexter
- Orina, Dawn
- Arangote, Alsbeth
- Calla, Donna
- Altovar, Welly
- Beatriz, Rochelle Mariz
- Uy, April Dawn
- Flores, Tedrick Daniel
- Villado, Michael Spence
- Gines, Jeremiah
- Fiseha, Feven
- Esteban, Kevin Dave
- Laxamana, Nephtali
- Peji, Vincent
- Ruiz, Jorinda
- Esdrelon, Elisse
- Lozada, Katrina
- Simoy, April
- Poquiz, Asel King
- Honorica, Vincent
If your name is on the list, or if you already have the COMPLETE DATA of your MMMC SCRUBS, you are REQUESTED to submit your FINAL SCRUB FORM on TUESDAY, December 14, 2010, 3-5PM at Room 307 (the same date of submission for MAMC and CMC Scrubs).
As for the others, just wait for further announcement regarding MMMC Scrubs. Thanks
- iCONS Academic Team and Mary Mediatrix O.R. CIs
iCONS Section C & D Duty Schedule (December 12-17, 2010)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Common Scrub Form Errors

Wondering why your scrub forms were brought back? click on the picture. You may have one or more of these errors on it.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Operating Room Guidelines

Click on the picture to view.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
iCONS Section C & D Duty Schedule (December 5-11, 2010)
Friday, November 26, 2010
MAJORS FORUM this coming Tuesday
(November 30, 2010) 6 pm at CON Review
Special Reminders: Please lang.. Bawal ang LOST!
1)PLEASE bring 25 pesos for CON Acquaintance
2) 300 pesos for the downpayment of the batch jacket
3) Scrubs! Scrubs! Scrubs!
-For Sec. A & B: Re-submitted MAMC scrub forms with
attached skills booklet photocopy (1 Major/Minor)
-For Sec. C & D: CMC scrub forms with attached
validation forms (skills booklet photocopy) 1 Major/
But wait thereʼs more....
your class officers will start measuring jackets on these times, if youʼre
finished with your classes/duty/date have the initiative please...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Section A&B 2nd week Duty Schedule (November 28 - December 3)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm hungry! I haven't had mom's home cooking in 3years since I've been stationed here in the S. Pacific. I am craving some Smoked turkey, gravy c mashed potatoes, rice, and some vegetables. Clean up with some hot pumpkin pie (or raspberry pie), freshly backed chocolate chip cookies and french vanilla icecream. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Even if I'm not home, I am indeed thankful for a lot. 1) I'm alive- almost got hit by a bus and car these past fridays- ya, go figure. 2) Lucky to be taken by a smart, exquisitely gorgeous and intelligent girlfriend 3) that I'm part of batch iCONs and that we are almost done with our 2 steps.
So over the weekend or today for that matter. Be thankful.
Congratulations to all of us for we have maintained the tradition of maintaining a CON President.
I would like to clear up some misunderstandings that have formulated rumors which have been passed around:
1. I am NOT bitter nor discouraged about the Graduating Class Elections. I even voted for Lexan because I wanted CON to have the Presidency. My focus is for the Dedication and being President for the entire CON
- So Congratulations to Lexan and Chester for representing CON- iCONs
2. Mrs. Camba and I have talked and we are cool with each other. We've discussed how actions on both sides have led to mis-understandings- fueled by false FB comments, rumors, and mis-communications based on cultural differences. We are all moving forward together (Ci's and officers) and I hope that the batch can move forward with us also.
3.I will continue to do my job as President- To be your advocate and fast drip our dedication plans: to make it simple, elegant but yet memorable.
So my 2nd Semester Charge to all iCONs is for us to come closer together. To Stay UNITED as we finish our 2 steps: step 1) Graduate step 2) Review and take the boards. Let us make the last 4months memorable.
Friday, November 12, 2010
iCONS Section C & D Duty Schedule (November 14-19)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
New Blogspot Banner; a spoiler for the upcoming projects for 2nd sem

Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
N404 Comprehensive Exam: Questionnaire Compilation
Thursday, September 30, 2010
OR Scrub Forms (Soft Copy)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Post 'em Section Pics Here!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A-Team Case Conference Reviewer
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Pedantic Update

Friday, September 17, 2010
iCONS Section DEF Duty Sched (September 19-23, 2010)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Process Recording Format (For NPI Mental Duty Requirement)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Duty Schedule (ABC, September 5-9 2010)
Friday, August 27, 2010
iCONS Section ABC Duty Schedule (Aug 29 - Sep 2, 2010)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Taking Higher Education HIGHER!
Taking Higher Education HIGHER! ™
“Get iCONnected with the Infinite” ICONS Spiritual Chapter
#1 Take it to the Lord in Prayer
“Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power.”
Do you need some prayers? Prayers for your patient, your family or with your painstaking case presentation?? Take it to the Lord in Prayer. Let God handle it and submit to heaven. Just call or text the prayer hotline number:
09264816810 (TM)
#2 Voice it out, Write it up
Got something to share? Got something to write? Got some experience, testimonials or some spiritual or health info to give out?? Pick up your pens, write an article and have it published in our weekly ICONS Newsletter ‘cause we want to hear from you!
Please contact or FB Gladys Cojo (Health & Spiritual Publications Editor, ICONS Spiritual Chapter)
1st issue: Fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians. Stories about how you displayed love, joy, peace etc. (the fruits of the Holy Spirit) to your patient
#3 iCONnecto LAMPS
Let your spiritual experience grow as you join LAMPS in Thursday meetings, Sabbath School Lesson, Sunrise and Sundown worships, and many other opportunities where your faith can be strengthened. Find out what it means to make a difference and a missionary for the Lord- the depth of our profession.
#4 Coming Up!
Bible Anatomy & Physiology….Shed some light, study the Word (a combined project of the ICONS Spiritual Chapter & the Gideons 300 Adventist Youth Ministry Bible study group)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Acute Biological Crisis Powerpoints and Handouts (From Sir Falculan)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
iCONS Study Groups Roster
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Excerpts of ICONS NEWSLETTER Feature Page

Friday, August 6, 2010
Duty Schedule (ABC, August 8-12, 2010)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sections DEF Duty Schedule (2nd Week; July 25-29)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ICONS NEWSLETTER (July 22, 2010 Edition)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sections DEF Duty Schedule (1st Week; July 19-22)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Psych Concept Review Questionaires
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Duty Sched (Sec ABC - 2nd Week) and DR Guidelines
Sunday, July 4, 2010
iCONS News Update: Elections 2010
Batch iCONS decides on their future:
An In-depth Look on the recent senior class officers elections
by: Chester Rebojo

Silang Cavite, Philippines - a group of 203 Senior nursing students, commonly known as Batch iCONS 2011, Decided and made move to destine their future, as they casted their votes to slate certain people to govern them on July 2, 2010 at College of Nursing Review Rooms.
Straight from their hemorrhage inducing Communicable Disease and Immunity Unit Exam, these Individuals Commissioned and Opportuned to be Nurses for Service, sat down yet again to decide upon the Batch’s future.
The program commenced at around 9:30 AM, with an opening prayer from Ma’am Ruby Barrios, Level 4 Clinical Instructor. Ma’am Nanette Camba, Level 4 Department Head, facilitated the elections. This year, the GPA cut-off to all the offices was cut-down from 3.7 (for major offices
) and 3.5 (for minor offices) to a justified range of 3.0; giving chance to most individuals to lead and humbly serve the batch.
“This feels very awkward, and im a little bit anxious with the outcome,” a batchmate verbalizes as Ma’am Lea Divina and Ma’am Marj Sibayan wr
ote down the possible nominees for each position. After the list was rolled down, the nominations commenced.
Many names were nominated, but only few were called to serve. Here’s the official list of officers with their corresponding votes percentage:
Out of 202 Voters, these names garnered their corresponding vote percentage on their respective offices.
Levi Villareal (64%)
Vice President Religious:
Melanie Jacinto (31%)
Vice President Social:
Stassy Manigos (60%)
Vice President Academics:
Chester Rebojo (84%)
Riset Toyogon (34%)
Associate Secretary:
Sophia Sadsad (21%)
Adrian Dayto (69%)
Associate Treasurer:
Luigi Galang (38%)
Public Informations Officer:
Kevin Esteban (39%)
Nepthali Laxamana (15%)
Ivan Solis (43%)
Razel Acquioben (20%)
“Congratulations to the new officers! Blowout naman jan!”, the L4 COMELEC com
mented as the tally of votes were officially closed at around 12:30

This years election, compared to the past elections, is a whole lot more serious; maybe because their has been some “campaigning” days prior to the elections. Now the votes has been casted, and
those names were slated on their respective positions, we’ll just have to see how truly “serious” they would be with their Jobs.
Change has been called, and has appeared upon eventually. The officers, under the Leadership of Mr. Villareal, hope and pray that this would mark the the start of a broader, better, and bigger change for the batch - all directed for the best.
Friday, July 2, 2010
iCONS 2011 Officers (S.Y. 2010-2011)
President: Levi Francis Villareal
Vice President (Religious): Melanie Jacinto
Vice President (Social): Stassy Manigos
Vice President (Academics): Chester John Rebojo
Secretary: Riset Toyogon
Associate Secretary: Sophia Sadsad
Treasurer: Adrian Dayto
Associate Treasurer: Luigi Galang
Public Information Officer (P.I.O): Kevin Dave Esteban
Nepthali Laxamana
Artists: Ivan Cris Solis
Mae Razel Acquioben
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi