Friday, July 23, 2010
Sections DEF Duty Schedule (2nd Week; July 25-29)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ICONS NEWSLETTER (July 22, 2010 Edition)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sections DEF Duty Schedule (1st Week; July 19-22)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Psych Concept Review Questionaires
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Duty Sched (Sec ABC - 2nd Week) and DR Guidelines
Sunday, July 4, 2010
iCONS News Update: Elections 2010
Batch iCONS decides on their future:
An In-depth Look on the recent senior class officers elections
by: Chester Rebojo

Silang Cavite, Philippines - a group of 203 Senior nursing students, commonly known as Batch iCONS 2011, Decided and made move to destine their future, as they casted their votes to slate certain people to govern them on July 2, 2010 at College of Nursing Review Rooms.
Straight from their hemorrhage inducing Communicable Disease and Immunity Unit Exam, these Individuals Commissioned and Opportuned to be Nurses for Service, sat down yet again to decide upon the Batch’s future.
The program commenced at around 9:30 AM, with an opening prayer from Ma’am Ruby Barrios, Level 4 Clinical Instructor. Ma’am Nanette Camba, Level 4 Department Head, facilitated the elections. This year, the GPA cut-off to all the offices was cut-down from 3.7 (for major offices
) and 3.5 (for minor offices) to a justified range of 3.0; giving chance to most individuals to lead and humbly serve the batch.
“This feels very awkward, and im a little bit anxious with the outcome,” a batchmate verbalizes as Ma’am Lea Divina and Ma’am Marj Sibayan wr
ote down the possible nominees for each position. After the list was rolled down, the nominations commenced.
Many names were nominated, but only few were called to serve. Here’s the official list of officers with their corresponding votes percentage:
Out of 202 Voters, these names garnered their corresponding vote percentage on their respective offices.
Levi Villareal (64%)
Vice President Religious:
Melanie Jacinto (31%)
Vice President Social:
Stassy Manigos (60%)
Vice President Academics:
Chester Rebojo (84%)
Riset Toyogon (34%)
Associate Secretary:
Sophia Sadsad (21%)
Adrian Dayto (69%)
Associate Treasurer:
Luigi Galang (38%)
Public Informations Officer:
Kevin Esteban (39%)
Nepthali Laxamana (15%)
Ivan Solis (43%)
Razel Acquioben (20%)
“Congratulations to the new officers! Blowout naman jan!”, the L4 COMELEC com
mented as the tally of votes were officially closed at around 12:30

This years election, compared to the past elections, is a whole lot more serious; maybe because their has been some “campaigning” days prior to the elections. Now the votes has been casted, and
those names were slated on their respective positions, we’ll just have to see how truly “serious” they would be with their Jobs.
Change has been called, and has appeared upon eventually. The officers, under the Leadership of Mr. Villareal, hope and pray that this would mark the the start of a broader, better, and bigger change for the batch - all directed for the best.
Friday, July 2, 2010
iCONS 2011 Officers (S.Y. 2010-2011)
President: Levi Francis Villareal
Vice President (Religious): Melanie Jacinto
Vice President (Social): Stassy Manigos
Vice President (Academics): Chester John Rebojo
Secretary: Riset Toyogon
Associate Secretary: Sophia Sadsad
Treasurer: Adrian Dayto
Associate Treasurer: Luigi Galang
Public Information Officer (P.I.O): Kevin Dave Esteban
Nepthali Laxamana
Artists: Ivan Cris Solis
Mae Razel Acquioben
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi