Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Patient Confidentiality: still being practiced today? Yeah right.

So a famous person from who knows where was admitted at the agency were we had duty for week 5 of N303.

It was a day full of commotion. the agency was all on red alert, like there was a bomb threat or something.
media was one standby outside the agency, everyone was anxious to go at the main entrance and preferred to leave
the place via ER backdoor.

After the "buzz", the confidentiality of the patient was put on the deck..

everyone was talking about what happened, like it wasn't "JUST" another patient. General cleaning today brought some staff from other departments talking to the staff in our area. What were they talking about? personal stuff about the patient, (most of which i cannot mention here). They were even viewing the CT-Scan of the patient; like it was a movie or something.. They even had to broadcast to their co-workers the patient's T.O.D. and stuff...

So the question goes: "Does our contemporary health providers REALLY practice patient confidentiality?"; "Would they talk about other low-profile patients too?"; or, "are they even aware of what they're doing?""

I clearly recall a lesson from our health ethics class, "Information cannot be and should not be revealed unless the person your releasing the info to is DIRECTLY related with the care."

so was everybody related to the care? that i cannot answer. still the questionable etiquete lives on. we'll i cannot blame the staff their, since it is really human's nature to "talk about what's up."

what are your thoughts about this one? relay them below.


  1. This is the Philippines. It would be different if this incident was in the UNITED STATES.

  2. i don't know about that since ive never been there. but i guess people really tend to talk about things out of their line.
