Wednesday, April 21, 2010

there is an "I" in "team" follow up

What comes around goes around! You believe in that saying yes? Or in short "Karma". So yesterday's blog was talking about not team players and how they'll get burned yes? Well today was Med reporting. One of the members that didn't help out with the dividing of meds (the person just didn't want to help out for ______ reason), was assigned to go FIRST for the med reporting! WHAT NOw! You don't help out a team, you get burned by the team.

Today's blog:

Shut the F! Up in the morning! Seriously. Overly-hyper students who are squealing with phenomenal happiness or making jokes and are obnoxiously loud at 5AM!!!!!! - should be assigned post mortem care for the rest of the summer. Seriously. Shut up!!


  1. Chill. Don't let em get into your nerves.

  2. I'm with KIR on this one. Some people are just obnoxious at a time that most people should be sleeping.
