Friday, April 30, 2010

We help our own

I get waken up at 0630hrs. I'm hearing that there is an accident with the MAMC Bus. I'm awake! Getting details here and there. a lot of my buddies are on that bus. Ever notice that when one of our own get into an accident, doesn't matter who they are, where they're from, or if we like them or not.. all that gets pushed aside and we want to help. Ex: Fire fighters, cops, military personal- when anyone gets a "man down" = everyone in their outfit and nearby outfits drop and come out to help. For us nurses... when our own gets a "man down", we drop anything and do anything to help. Thank God there were no fatalities on that bus...

details are still coming in. please post them here for any questions...

1 comment:

  1. imma have full report on this later, still digging on the exact details..
